SB4.5r Fitness Bike
You must grasp the contact heart rate grips with both hands for these programs. Both pro-
grams operate the same, the only difference is that HR1 is set to 60% and HR2 is set to 80% of
your maximum heart rate. They both are programmed the same way.
To start a Heart Rate Program follow the instructions below or just press the HR1 or HR2 button,
then the Enter button and follow the directions in the message window.
1. Select the desired HR program then press the Enter key.
2. The message window will ask you to enter your weight. You may enter your weight using the Level Up/Down
keys then press the Enter key to accept the new number and proceed.
3. You are now asked to enter your age. You may adjust the Age setting using the Level Up/Down keys.
4. Next is time. You may adjust the Time setting and then press Enter to continue.
5. You are now asked to select the Target Heart Rate Level. This is the heart rate level you will experience dur-
ing the program. Adjust the level and then press Enter. Note the heart rate level that appears.
6. Now you are finished editing the settings and can begin your workout by pressing the Start key. You can also
go back and modify your settings by pressing the Stop key to go back one level, or screen.
7. If you want to increase or decrease the target heart rate at any time during the program press the Level Up/
Down key.
Heart Rate Programs
The User Programs allow you to build and save your own workout. You can build your own custom
program by following the instructions below.
1. Select the User Program (User 1 or User 2) also then press Enter. The message will ask “Run Program?”
if there is already a program stored. Press Enter or Start to begin stored program or Level Up/Down key to
select “No”. If No is selected, you have the option to cancel the stored program. Press Enter to cancel or the
Level Up/Down keys to select “No” and begin stored program.
2. If you cancel the stored program or there isn’t a program stored, the letter “A” will be flashing. Use the Level
Up/Down keys to select the 1st letter of your name. Press Enter. Repeat this process until the last letter of
your name is flashing. Press Stop to accept your User name.
3. The message window will ask you to enter your weight. You may enter your Weight using the Level Up/
Down keys, then press the Enter key to accept the new number and proceed on to the next screen.
4. You are now asked to enter your age. You may adjust the Age setting using the Level Up/Down keys, then
press Enter to continue.
5. Next is the Time setting. You may adjust the total program time and press Enter to continue.
6. Now the message window will ask you to adjust the first segment level for Resistance; use the Level Up/
Down keys to adjust. When you finish adjusting the first segment, or if you don’t want to change it, then
press Enter to continue to the next segment.
7. The next segment will show the same level as the previously adjusted segment. Repeat the same process
as the last segment then press Enter. Continue this process until all twenty segments have been set.
8. The message window will ask you to press Enter to save the program. After saving the program, press Start
to begin.
9. If you want to increase or decrease the Resistance at any time during the program, press the Level Up/
Down keys.
10. During the program you will be able to switch the data displayed by pressing the Enter button.
11. When the program ends the message window will show a summary of your workout. The summary will be
displayed for a short time then the console will return to the start-up display.
User Programs