Using the Link System
To use the XSens Link system instead of the Awinda system you need to have an Awinda
Then you should activate the Awinda station in the “Motion Capture Configuration
window” by turn on the bottom on the sync station configuration tab. In this tab you can
find all the details described above.
Note: When using the Xsens Link system, which has an output rate of 240Hz, you will still
need to use an Awinda Station to send synchronization signals. As our Awinda station has
a maximum frame rate of 120Hz, you will realise that the maximum frame rate that the
output signal will have is 120Hz. Practically, this entails that every other frame of Xsens
will be synchronize with the frame of the other party system. This still gives an optimal
synchronization between both systems.
If you would like to have both systems with the same sampling frequency you should
downsample the file while export. To do so follow the following steps:
Go to “File” tab
> “Export”
Select the format you would like to export the data
Click “Show options” and select the
“Exporter frame skip (for downsampling)”
Figure 12 - Motion Capture configuration window in MVN Analyze. Indications to
activate the Awinda station as sync station with the Link system.