Configure the Light Bulb Se�ngs
Different features can be adjusted from the menu bu�on on the upper right
hand bu�on “
” on the APP.
1. Device Name can be changed as desired.
2. Device Loca�on can set the loca�on of the power strip in your home.
3. Check Device Network allows to check the network connec�on status.
4. Add Members to be able to control the device in the Share Device se�ng.
5. Create Group to control other smart device at the same �me.
6. Device Informa�on provide network configura�on informa�on.
7. Add to Home Screen allows to add the power strip to the home screen of
your smartphone.
8. Firmware Informa�on allows to check so�ware or install updates to device.
9. Remove device will remove the smart strip from the Xodo Smart app and
remove pairing. This is necessary if pairing with a new device.
10. Restore Factory Se�ng allows to reset the Surge Protector to factory se�ng.