xCORE-Analog sliceKIT Hardware Manual
Due to the constraints on the sliceKIT Core Board, there are some ports on the
sliceCARDs which should be used in preference to others. These constraints are as
X0D4-7 can be selected for use as the xSCOPE xCONNECT Link
X0D0,1,10,11 could be used for SPI boot on a master core board. These pins
will be hi-z when booting and can be transferred to the xCORE I/O signals when
boot is complete.
For sliceCARDs intended for use in the
Slot, P4B should be avoided with the
knowledge that using it means xSCOPE can not be used if the sliceCARD is plugged
into the
sliceCARD Form Factors
The sliceCARDs use a standard PCIe x1 edge finger to connect to the sliceKIT Core
Board. Because of this, all sliceCARD PCBs must be 1.6mm thick.
There is no hard specification as to the length of sliceCARDs as this poses no
mechanical clashing hazard, however to avoid clashing with other sliceCARDs or
the power input connector sliceCARDs should be limited to 40mm wide.
Four mounting holes are specified in the corners of the slice for mechanical stability.
These should be used with 6mm standoffs, example part Toby Electronics DCB-6.
An optional retention hole is specified for use in securing the sliceCARD to the
sliceKIT Core Board. This is useful to ensure the sliceCARDs is not accidentally
unplugged when using the system. Typical usage uses a 2.54mm cable tie between
this hole and the associated hole in the sliceKIT Core Board ensuring the sliceCARD
cannot be unplugged.
Figure 5: