10GBASE-KR Ethernet TRD
UG1058 (v2017.1) April 19, 2017
Chapter 4:
Implementing and Simulating the Design
Generate the Hardware Bitstream
The reference design can be implemented or simulated on a Windows 7 or a Linux
computer. The computer should have Vivado Design Suite 2017.1 installed on it.
1. Launch the Vivado Integrated Design Environment (IDE) and set up the reference design
• In Windows 7:
Start > All Programs > Xilinx Design Tools > Vivado 2017.1 > Vivado 2017.1
a. In the Tcl console type:
cd <working_dir>/kcu1250_10gbasekr_trd/hardware/vivado
source scripts/kcu1250_10GBASEKR_trd.tcl
• On Linux:
a. On a terminal window, change the directory to:
b. At the command prompt enter:
vivado -source scripts/kcu1250_10GBASEKR_trd.tcl