Chapter 6
Next Steps
What you have done so far allows you to deploy and run accelerated applications on your
system. Alveo™
provides information and links to available Xilinx and
third-party accelerated applications. These include video processing, financial computing,
machine learning, and data analytics.
If you are an application developer who wants to develop and deliver accelerated applications,
install the Vitis™ software platform. It allows you to develop, debug, and optimize accelerated
applications for Alveo cards. Installation instructions can be found in Vitis Unified Software
Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (
For an overview of developing accelerated applications with Alveo™ with accompanying guided
examples, see
For complete details on the development flow and getting started in Vitis, see Vitis Unified
Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (
). For an introduction
to Vitis methodology, see Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation (
Chapter 6: Next Steps
UG1301 (v1.8) February 5, 2021
Getting Started with Alveo Accelerator Cards