“AGC” Button
AGC - Automated Gain
There are four possible AGC settings:
‘AGC-F’ is a fast AGC response to fast changing signals.
‘AGC-S’ is a slower AGC response to changing signals.
‘AGC-A’ G90 selects the AGC response time required by the current signals being received.
‘AGC—‘ is the AGC feature turned off
RF Gain
Long press the AGC button.
A submenu of ‘RF Gain’ appears
Use the Tuning Control to select the desired RF Gain level of 0% to 100%.
Press the Tuning Control to save the selection. The initial value is 50%
Note: the RF Gain may also be assigned to the Multi-Function Control
“V/M” Button
‘VFO’ mode and
“Memory” mode.
Power On Call Sign
Memory mode will display ‘CH nn’ in the display .. where ‘nn’ is the memory channel number..
Rotate the main tuning knob to rapidly cycle through any previously stored memory channels.
Direct tuning of a memory channels frequency is not supported.
How to write the contents of a Memory Channel to the VFO so you can tune or adjust the
frequency and other parameters:
1. Press the V/M key and choose a stored frequency.
2. Short press the FUNC key
3. Short press the A/B key (writes contents of the MC to VFO - both VFOs)
4. Short press the V/M key (returns to VFO mode) now with MC contents displayed and tunable.
A long press will allow setting a call sign, etc. to briefly appear when powering on the G90.
FUNC Button
and then “POW”
Input Source and
Mic Gain
‘Input’ ,, use the volume control to select ‘Line’ (the ACC port) or ‘Mic’. Press ‘POW’
‘Mic Gain’ .. use the Volume control to select the gain from 0 to 20. Press the volume control to
end this selection process.
FUNC Button
and the “KEY”
CW Side Tone Volume
and Frequency
‘CW Volume’ .. Use the Volume control to select the desired CW side tone volume from 0 to 15.
You will hear the level in the speaker as you rotate the Volume control.
Press ‘KEY’ and then use the Volume control to set the desired side tone frequency.
Press the Key button to end the sequence. Press FUNC to turn it off
FUNC Button
and then
FFT Scale and FFT
Press the FUNC button and then the LOCK button
A SCALE submenu appears
Use the Tuning control to set the desired FFT scale from ‘Auto’ to 10, Press LOCK key
An AVE submenu appears
Use the Tuning control to select the desired FFT averaging count from 1 to 10. (Bigger values
slows the waterfall display)
Press the Tuning control to save the value
ALC Meter
The G90 displays an ALC Meter reading from 0 to 100%. This is displayed just under the Power Out
Watts near the right side of the display. This is displayed only when the G90 is in transmit mode.
Unlike many other radios, a high ALC value, in the 95% to 100% range is desired. Lower readings
indicate to the extent that the G90 is cutting back the driving signal (mic or Aux In) to maintain the set
power .. possibly distorting the output RF signal. SSB will result in ALC values changing with normal
voice variations. AM and NFM will result in a constant, mid-range ALC value.