Detailed Specifications
Versant™ 2100 Press
Customer Expectation and Installation Guide
Xerox Confidential
Client Specifications
G4 Power Macintosh or better is strongly
Operating system: OSX or higher
Protocols: AppleTalk, TCP/IP
Recommended memory: A minimum of 512 MB is
Required platform: PC platform capable of running
supported operating system
Operating system: Windows 2003/2008/XP and
Windows 7/8/8.1
Protocols: TCP/IP, Net-BIOS
Recommended memory: Operating system
dependent, e.g., Windows XP, 256
MB minimum to print
A workstation with standard TCP/IP connectivity
TCP/IP printing software that conforms to RFC1179
(Berkeley lpd protocol)
PPDs and Print Drivers
The FreeFlow Print Server supports the following drivers:
Adobe PostScript Print Drivers are provided for Windows 2003, Windows
2008, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Vista, and
Server 2012.
Adobe PostScript Print Drivers are provided for Apple Macintosh 10.7-
Adobe 8: There is a bug in Acrobat 8 that when choosing, Same as
Source/No Color ManagementSame as Source/No Color Management,
Adobe is embedding a Color Space Array (CSA) inside the Postscript
stream. The recommendation is to use an earlier version of Acrobat to
create color-critical PDF files.
FreeFlow System Software Limitations / Recommendations
Print Server
If the HSI cables are switched, either fault code 044-396 or 044-397 will
be displayed and printing stops. After powering off the Press and Print
Server, the cables need to be swapped to the correct port. Powering on
both should establish proper connectivity.
In this release the banner page is now always printed at the end of the
Up to a 30 second delay may occur between the first page(s) in a cycle
up being black only and the color page.
The X•Rite i 1 pro20EM spectrophotomer option is a "plug and play"
hardware option. When plugged into the FreeFiow Print Server a choice
of either Full Width Array or i1 for calibration and profiling is available.
The Full Width Array produces very good quality. However , the i1 has
slightly improved overall color quality.
The preferred stock to calibrate and profile using the Full Width Array
and i1 is a coated 120 gsm stock.
The X•Rite i 1 pro2 spectrophotometer is not supported on this release
ofFreeFlow Printer Server.
Overprint with Pantone tints may not reproduce as expected when using
the Postscript image path.
If the FreeFlow print server software is reinstalled, the user should first
backup the Stock Library Manager Profiles (alignment, fold adjustment,
stock) to an external drive. Once the server is up and running, open the
shortcut Stock Library Manager Profiles at the Desktop and copy the
saved contents back into the folder. See Stock Library Manager Help
system for instructions.
See the Installation Guide on instructions to backup and restore the
Stock Library Manager Profiles.
The supported stocks for calibration and profiling routines are 8.5 x 11
in. LEF, A4 LEF, 11 x17 in., and 12 x 18 in. Do not use 8.5 x 11 in. SEF and
During Calibration and Profiling routines if the tray is empty or other Press
issue, no fault message
will appear on the Press. To recover, you must
close the routine, resolve the Press issue and start the routine again.
Similarly if a jam occurs, to recover, close the routine, clear the jam, start
the routine again.
During Calibration and Profiling if the RSNL (required stock not loaded)
message is displayed in the FreeFlow Print Server message window,
resolve the tray contents and the Stock Library Manager properties.
Once the message goes away the targets should automatically print and
routine should complete.
When using the Adobe PDF Print Engine:
AlE is not supported
Color adjustments/User TRC will effect spot colors
RGB emulation enables a general APPE "emulation mode" for all
color spaces; this is a desirable behavior but not obvious in the UI.
Device N color spaces are not color-managed (as per Adobe model
but different from the Postscript path ).
Emulation modes are not applicable at page level (RGB Emulation or
Process as PDF/X); these buttons ore ignored in the page level
When using third-party finishers, you may notice a pause in printing at
around 80 sheets.
5,000-page exceptions limit via FreeFlow Print Server tickets. Unlimited
page exceptions via PDL (e .g. setpogedevice).
Background forms do not work with imposition.
Imposition does not work with Saved FRF files. You will need to impose
and then save the imposed page for FRF reprint.
DRI preview is not supported in
Status may infrequently display inaccurate processing feedback.
If a
tray full
state occurs, the print server may display the wrong tray as
The fault message on the Press Control Panel stating
Empty the tray
that is full
will be correct.
Attributes page list features that are not supported (e.g. K100HR, edge
Special Pages not supported in the Save Job Properties feature.
K100HR at 600/1200 spi is not supported in this release.
Dual IP configuration is not supported in this release.
Stock Library Manager attributes: Stock name and adhesive are not
supported in this release.
Limit of 4GB for 1200 spi SAVE (limit reached sooner when using the
1200 spi versus 600).
When initiating a backup, do not choose licenses, network files and VIPP
Page Description TIFF/PPML/PDF
It is not recommended to save jobs as TIFF if they are to be reprinted.
Instead use FRF formats.
It is not recommended to save jobs as TIFF at 1200 as the number of
pages that can be saved is limited to 4GB and is reached quicker than if
using 600.
Timer Based Calibration could result in a hang.
Background Forms using 1200 spi is not supported. Use 600 spi to save
and apply Background Forms.
backup to DVD/CD-RW fails if more than one CD is needed.
Some incorrectly formatted UDFS CDs cause the FreeFlow Print Server to
hang. Some PC applications may also produce UDFS CDs that cause the
print server to hang. Reboot the print server and avoid using the
application that created the CD.
Do not rename a configuration backup CD. Renaming a CD used for
configuration backup causes the system to be unable to perform a
restore from the CD.
Backup and Restore is backwards compatible not forwards compatible.
Some unsupported USB drives can cause the system to hang.