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13 April 2007
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Page 8
May 2007
Xerox Phaser 8560
The optional hard drive enables users to store
frequently printed documents on the device’s hard-
drive, which includes public folders. This saves users
time and eliminates re-processing (RIPping) files.
The private-printing feature enables users to keep
confidentail documents secure by requiring them to
enter their PIN at the control panel before the job is
actually printed.
The ability to create public and private storage for
documents with or without a PIN, and to edit and
organize stored documents at any time.
Users can configure the printer settings to
automatically send job completion alerts on their
Direct PDF printing of PDF and PostScript files from
Xerox’s InternetServices Printer Web page.
BERTL analysts would like to see a more convenient
way to enter passwords on the number keypad
instead of having users scroll through the menu using
up and down arrow keys. This would save time and
improve access to stored documents.
BERTL analysts would prefer that the print
productivity kit (hard drive and a suite of additional
print options) was standard instead of an option.
Better performance from the PCL print driver when
printing PDF files.