file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Miz%20B/My%20Documents/A_Xerox...P/Nuvera%209.0%20UGTA/Nuvera%209.0%20UGTA_FINAL/English/comp_010.htm (1 of 2)8/13/2008 1:38:22 PM
About Impositions
Imposition is the process of positioning multiple page images on
a single output sheet to be printed at one time. Imposition has
no effect on the content of any individual page image; it only
affects the size of the page image and where the pages are
placed on an output sheet.
Imposition options include the ability to create 2-up to multiple-
ups documents including custom multiple-up For a custom
multiple-up, the Xerox Nuvera automatically calculates how
many images will fit on the sheet size selected for the job.
Imposition settings are provided for setting gutter margins and
Repeated, Sequential, and Alternating image on sheet outputs.
is the name given to a single sheet of paper or
other substrate after it has been folded. Many books are made
up of signatures. The manner in which signatures are bound
influences the way that they must be printed.
For more information about setting up impositions, see
imposition options
Impositions and Saddle Stitched Books
Saddle stitched books and calendars consist of all the
signatures nested in one group with staples inserted at the fold.
When signatures are nested, the fold, or gutter, gets wider the
further a sheet is from the centerfold (see Figure 1, at the left
Figure 1
Figure 1: (left) Nested signatures forming a saddle stitched book. (right) Stacked
signatures forming a perfect-bound book.
Figure 2
Figure 2: Page order for a simple 4-page book. Input pages are on the left. Output
signature sheet is on the right. Numbers in parentheses represent page numbers on
back side of the signature sheet.
Figure y
Therefore, page frames must be shifted slightly to compensate
for the thickness of the gutter. The page frames are moved
slightly away from the fold and toward the outside edge. This
results in the outside margin becoming narrower. When
finished, the sheets closer to the centerfold (with the narrower
fold) will have more trimmed from the outside margin. When
done properly, the images will appear in the same position on
each page as the pages are flipped.
How Do I?
System Tour
Problem Solving
: Page frame shifting is done automatically.
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