Using Build Job
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Miz%20B/My%...GTA/Nuvera%209.0%20UGTA_FINAL/English/adv_020.htm (1 of 2)8/13/2008 1:33:22 PM
Using Build Job
Build Job is used to:
Before using
Build Job
, there are two concepts to understand. See
Understanding Job and Segment Level Programming
To use Build Job
Build Job
is used to combine multiple scans, each with different job programming, into a single, compiled output. Specifically,
Build Job
allows you to scan many different types of documents (either from the Document Feeder or the Document Glass) in separate jobs, then
combine those separate scan jobs into one cohesive output.
Scan originals of different sizes that cannot be fed and scanned together
Scan a collection of originals that require a mix of Document Feeder and Document Glass scanning
Scan more originals than the Document Feeder can hold at one time (see
Scanner Specifications
Apply different image quality or image modification features to different scan segments
1. In the Xerox Nuvera user interface, click
, then click the <
Build Job
> button at the bottom left corner of the user
interface. The system is now in Build Job mode.
2. Place the first part of the document set (Job Segment 1) to be scanned in the
Document Feeder or Document Glass
3. Once Job Level programming is complete for Job Segment 1, press <
>. The remainder of the tabs become enabled.
Perform any
Segment Level programming
4. When satisfied with your settings, click <
>. Job Segment 1 begins scanning.
5. When Job Segment 1 finishes, load the second part of the document set (Job Segment 2) to be scanned in the Document
Feeder or Document Glass.
6. Make any Segment Level programming. Remember,
Job Level programming
is already set, so all Job Level controls will be
7. When satisfied with your settings, click <
>. Job Segment 2 begins scanning.
8. Load the next Job Segment, and perform steps 6, 7, and 8 for the remaining segments.
9. To exit Build Job mode, click <
End Build Job
>. The job prints according to all of the Segment and Job Level programming.
How Do I?
System Tour
Problem Solving
: This feature is only available if your system includes the integrated Document Scanner module for copying and
scanning jobs.
Build job
applies to any type of scan job and does NOT apply to print jobs.
About this Site
:At this point, perform any
Job Level programming
, since Job Level programming choices will be unavailable
when scanning the remaining Job Segments.
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