Software Versions
This document references the following software versions:
Version Number
Free Flow Print Server 7.0 SP3 / Tigris
System software
(must match DocuSP version)
CP. 7393.43
FreeFlow Print Server 7.0 SP3 Remote
CP.7393.43 (English)
CP.70.90.62 (Multinational)
FreeFlow Print Server 7.0 SP3 and
Variable Input version
FreeFlow Print Server 7.0 SP1 Includes Variable Input
(VI) and Variable Print Manager (VPM) version 5.0.
VIPP Version
VIPP Project Container is known as the FreeFlow VI
Project Container.
100/120/144/200/288 EA/MX DPS
CD Release version: 02.073.09
Windows Driver:
Mac Driver: 7.0.6 (497)
FreeFlow Print Server 7.0 SP1 x86
System Restore
CP.5162.93 01-July-2007
* Note
Since the Xerox software supports the current release and two past major releases,
DocuSP Remote Workflow 5.1 software supports DocuSP versions 4.1, 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1. If
an earlier version of DocuSP is being used, you can install an older version of DocuSP
Remote Workflow. DocuSP Remote Workflow 5.0 software supports DocuSP versions 4.1,
4.2 and 5.0. Version 3.8 will no longer be visible to the 5.0 DRW software. Alternatively,
you can run two applications on the desktop.
** Note
The print drivers included with the system support Microsoft Windows Vista. Check the
driver download page at www.xerox.com for print driver documentation.
Hints and Tips Guide