Phaser® 8400 Color Printer
Creating an AppSocket Printer with LaserWriter 8.6
Xerox provides Macintosh AppSocket printing with PhaserPort for Mac OS on the printer’s
Printer Installer and Utilities CD-ROM
. PhaserPort for Mac OS provides a bi-directional,
high-speed communications channel using the new plug-in communication architecture of
Apple LaserWriter version 8.6.
AppSocket provides feedback about print job status which is not available through LPR.
PhaserPort for Mac OS System Requirements
PhaserPort is not supported under Mac OS X.
System requirements include:
A Phaser printer installed on a TCP/IP network
PowerPC-based Macintosh
Apple's LaserWriter version 8.6 or later, with Desktop Printing enabled
Open Transport version 1.1 or later networking. TCP/IP networking provided by MacTCP
software is not supported. The Macintosh must be properly configured to communicate
with the printer.
Files and Installation
PhaserPort for Mac OS consists of two files:
: A special type of shared library recognized by the LaserWriter printer
driver version 8.6.
PhaserPort Printer Tool
: A Macintosh PowerPC application for creating desktop printers
that communicate with PhaserPortLib.
To install PhaserPort for Mac OS:
System Folder/Extensions/Printing Plug-Ins
Copy the
PhaserPort Printer Tool
to any folder on the Macintosh.