14. Summary sheet error messages
Your 4635 LPS communicates Interpress error messages to you
on the system controller display and on summary sheets that
accompany your printed output.
Summary sheets are placed at the end of printed jobs. Errors
printed on a summary sheet have three main fields:
Level of severity
Page number
Explanation of the error.
Figure 16-1. Sample summary sheet error message
Level of severity
Page number Explanation of the error
Fatal Error
(page 2):
Insufficient disk space for image file <I/O error code: 366B>.
The explanation above tells you such things as: what the problem
is, the cause, what substitutions, if any, were made, and the
status of the job.
There can be more than one error listed on a summary sheet;
messages of varying levels of severity can appear on the same
In this chapter, summary sheet error messages are first grouped
alphabetically according to the level of severity and then listed
alphabetically within each level according to the first word of the
explanation. The level of severity is repeated at the top of each
page for easy reference. The sections in this chapter are as
Appearance error messages
Appearance warning messages
Fatal error messages
Informational messages
Master error messages
Master warning messages
Page error messages
System problem messages
Informational messages may follow error messages and are listed
alphabetically under a separate heading.
Explanations are listed in the lefthand column in bold letters.
Meanings and appropriate actions to take, if any, are provided in
the righthand column. For further information about Interpress,
refer to your 4635 LPS Operations Reference chapter on HIP-
accessed communicating modes.
Note: In the Meaning/action column of this chapter, the term
operand refers to that which is acted upon (i.e., data) in an
operation or process; it is the object of an operation or process.
An operator, on the other hand, is the part of a process
description that indicates the action to be performed on an