System verification error
These messages appear on the system controller display if
problems are detected during the verification self-tests that the
system runs at start-up after the Date and Time display is entered
or disabled. These messages are not displayed with letter or
number codes. In this chapter, they are listed alphabetically by
first word.
The appearance of any of these messages indicates the system is
not fully functional. It may be possible to operate the system in
a degraded mode, but its usage is questionable. The
recommended action for all of the following messages is to
contact your systems specialist or Xerox Customer Service.
Devices not accessible name, name...
One of the required system devices appears not to be in the
system and is not functioning. The following abbreviations are
used for the device names:
CD = Character Dispatcher
DISK = System disk
E-NET = Ethernet Network
GHO = Graphics Handling Option
HOST = online channel interface
IG = Image Generator
OEMI = OEM Interface
TAPE = Tape unit
X ENG = Xerographic Engine
XWP = Word processing communications interface
FCG exiting: invalid profile encountered.
The system has not loaded or cannot accept the parameters or
values you have entered. The cause may be incorrect syntax, too
many characters, etc. This message usually follows other system
messages which explain why the operation has failed.
1. Verify that your values and/or syntax are correct and retry the
2. If the message reappears, contact your supervisor or systems
support specialist.