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The sensitivity of the detector can be

reduced further for precise localisation.

Slightly rotate the adjuster wheel after the

diode illuminates until the diode
extinguishes. Then proceed with metal

detection. For testing purposes, it is best

to select an exposed metal section or

electric cable.

Jerky movements can cause the detector
to react with a positive illumination

response even though no metal or

voltage is present.

If lines are routed beneath reflecting

materials (aluminium-coated insulating
materials), system-based technical

problems occur in the 


There is no display response if the walls

are very wet, since it is impossible for an

electrical field to build up.

There is no detection of telephone lines

or other signal lines.

4. When finished using the detector,

switch it off using adjuster wheel 2

(Fig. 1) to preserve the battery.

Readjusting the detector

Fluctuations in temperature, voltage and

air humidity may cause the LED or audio
signal to fail to respond in the 


after the detector has been switched on.

Insert a charged battery.

2. Set selector switch 3 (Fig. 3) to


3. Completely rotate the adjuster wheel

(Fig. 3) to the limit stop and then in the

reverse direction by   the number of

4. Adjust the potentiometer (2) using a

small screwdriver 4, (supplied in

housing) so that the display illuminates.

5. For testing purposes, slightly rotate

the adjuster wheel (1) in the reverse

direction. The LED must extinguish.

6. Reassemble the housing.

The detector is now ready again for


EC declaration of conformity

We declare and are solely responsible for

guaranteeing that this product complies

with the following EC guidelines:

EC EMC Guideline 

Dipl. Ing. Martin 

Equipment Safety Division

In such cases, if the cause is not

attributable to the battery, the detector
must be adjusted.

1. Open the detector. Reach into the

battery compartment and separate the

two halves of the housing.

When adjusting the detector, ensure that
there are no metal parts or 

carrying lines in the vicinity.
