- Symbol rate: Enter the symbol
rate by using the NUMERIC
- Polarity: Select the polarity.
- Video PID: Enter the video PID
using the NUMERIC buttons.
- Audio PID: Enter the audio PID
using the NUMERIC buttons.
- PCR PID: Enter the PCR PID
using the NUMERIC buttons.
- Transmission: You can select
‘DVB’ and ‘DVB-S2’
- Start Search: Press the OK button
to start a search.
3.4 Network Setting
To use a Network connected to
the STB Ethernet port, you have
to prepare the STB Network
settings. When the STB and a
PC are connected via a network,
you can access the files of the
STB storage device such as USB
storage device.
NOTE: If you use DHCP function of
router, you can set easily network
DHCP: You can select
for the Dynamic Host Con-
figuration Protocol (DHCP) to
get the all configuration from
the router.
- If you select ‘On’: You will
obtain the configuration
from network and be set up
automatically. In this case, the
remaining item
(IP Address,
Subnet Mask, Gateway,
First DNS, Second DNS)
automatically set and you
don’t have to configure them
- If you select ‘Off’: You have to
input the IP address manually
together with the following
- IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway,
First DNS, Second DNS: You can
input the address with the OK
button, NUMERIC buttons and
the LEFT/RIGHT buttons. You
can move to the next item of
Subnet Mast with the DOWN
button and you can configure
the following items in the
same way.
Firmware Upgrade Server: To
upgrade the firmware by
downloading from a internet
NOTE: Server installation and
settings must be controlled
by expert server manager. A storage
device must be connected with
your receiver (STB) when firmware
upgrade from server.
MAC Address: This will display
the MAC address of the STB
Ethernet interface and is a fixed
assignment unique to each STB.
Control of the files via the network
and your PC: