MAG 5, 10, 15, 24
Safety and operating instructions
© 2010 Xcalibre Equipment Limited | 67020101 | 2010-05-25
Original instructions
Hydraulic oil
In order to protect the environment, Xcalibre
Equipment recommends the use of biologically
degradable hydraulic oil. No other fluids should be
Viscosity (preferred) 20-40 cSt.
Viscosity (permitted) 15-100 cSt.
Viscosity index Min. 100.
Standard mineral or synthetic oil can be used.
Make sure to only use clean oil and filling
When the machine is used continuously, the oil
temperature will stabilise at a level which is called
the working temperature. This will, depending on
the type of work and the cooling capacity of the
hydraulic system, be between 20-40°C (68-104°F)
above the ambient temperature. At working
temperature, the oil viscosity must lie within the
preferred limits. The viscosity index indicates the
connection between viscosity and temperature. A
high viscosity is therefore preferred, because the
oil can then be used within a wider temperature
range. The machine shall not be used, if oil
viscosity fails to remain within the permitted area,
or if the working temperature of the oil does not fall
between 20°C (68°F) and 70°C (158°F).
Pressure adjustment
The maximum pressure of the power source is
important. The pressure created in case of an
incorrectly or unfitted return line coupling would
cause overloading which could harm the machine
and result in bodily injuries. The maximum
pressure of the power source is 160 bar (limited by
safety valve adjustment).
WARNING Operating pressure
If the maximum operating pressure for the
hydraulic machine is exceeded, it can result in
material damage and personal injury.
Always run the hydraulic machine with the
correct operating pressure, see 'Technical data'.
Only readjust the pressure relief valve (torque
control) on the machine according to procedure
and values described under maintenance. Note
that higher settings might lead to a higher
torque, which could harm the machine and
result in serious injury or death.
Water flushing
For diamond bit core drilling, water flushing is
required. Mount the water swivel and water hose
on the core drill as follows.
The water can be supplied directly from a source,
or a separate water kit can be used. A separate
water kit with pressure tank is available, see the
spare parts list.