PV-15208 Photovoltaic Inverter
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Copyright 2000, Xantrex Technologies Inc./Trace Technologies Corp.
DOCUMENT: 150919
array string disconnect device. It should also be positive.
Carefully measure VDC across the and – busses. The value should be the same as at the PV
array string disconnect switch. It should also be positive.
Open the PV disconnect switch. The matrix capacitor bank voltage should slowly degrade to near
zero over a 5-minute period.
Open all PV string disconnect switches.
System Verification
Ensure the on/off switch is enabled.
Upon applying 208 VAC power to the PV-15208, observe the three LED indicator lights on the
front door. The LED’s should be switching on and off in a sequenced pattern. The LED’s may be
difficult to see depending on external light conditions. After approximately 15 seconds, the panel
should finish initialization
Remedy any faults reported. If the fault indicator does not change, the fault condition is still present
(see Section 5). Cycling the on/off switch will reset the PV-15208 and attempt to clear any system
faults. Once all faults are cleared, the amber indicator light will come on indicating the PV-15208 is
in standby.
Close all PV array string disconnect switches (if present).
Close the main PV disconnect switch (if present).
If the PV voltage is above the PV Start Voltage setpoint, and the PV Start Time is exceeded, the PV-
15208 should transition to “Power Tracking” (see Section 4, Operation).
Depending upon solar conditions, the PV-15208 may not operate at full power. If the PV array is not
experiencing full sun, the PV maximum power tracker will regulate the PV voltage to maintain
maximum PV power output. (See section 4 for further description of the peak power tracker).
The PV-15208 is now fully operational.
Fine Tuning
All PV-15208 operating parameters have been set at the factory, based upon prior experience with
various PV arrays. Parameters may be modified using an optional graphical user interface. Contact
your Xantrex/Trace Technologies distributor for further information.
It is recommended that the PV-15208 be watched during Wake-Up and Sleep Test. If the PV-15208
cycles between operating and sleeping at either of these times, the operating setpoints may not be set
properly. (Refer to Section 4 for a detailed description of PV-15208 operating states). The PV-
15208 should not cycle if the setpoints are set properly.