NetworkHD 100/200/400 Series Installation Guide | Copyright © 2017 WyreStorm Technologies |
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If not done already, create a group.
Select a group and then press the Create VW button.
Give the video wall a name and choose its size.
Each video wall can have multiple scenes. Scenes dictate the configuration for a video wall – for example a 4x4 video wall could contain a
scene in which all 16 displays combine into a single image, while another scene consists of four 2x2 video walls. The possibilities are
endless and the user can switch between these scenes at the touch of a button.
To create a scene within the video wall, press the Create Scene/Layout button and name it.
Note: Scene names must be alphanumeric and cannot include spaces or special characters (!@£$%^*\<+” etc.)
Once a Scene has been created screens can be combined to create the video wall. For example, to create a 2x2 image in a video
wall hold the PC’s CTRL button and select 4 displays.
Right click one of the selected displays and choose the option to Combine.
Note: Video walls must be a complete shape – ie. 2x1 or 2x2, 3x3 etc – They cannot be L or T shaped etc. It is recommended that walls
have the same number of columns as rows so that video stretching does not occur.