Be aware of any obstructions, animals or people while
spraying. While the boom is equipped with a breakaway
to help protect the boom, damage or injury can occur
in a collision.
Engage the pump, activate the master switch on the con
troller and begin spraying.
The 8420, 8220 and VSB are designed to operate at speeds
of 5-10 mph. Care and common sense, however, must be
used to determine the optimum speed for a particular spray
ing operation. Factors such as rough surface conditions,
hillsides and terraces will require a slower operating speed.
Listed below are several things you should check to main
tain trouble free spraying:
*Make sure spray tips are sized for the desired volume
and speed. (Refer to the TeeJet Catalog or Wylie
Catalog website if using TeeJet™ tips.)
*Clean pump strainer as needed to maintain adequate
flow to the pump.
Keep tractor hydraulic level full for consistent
pump operation.
*Keep the agitator ball valve open and the return line
ball valve (if equipped) closed or slightly open while
End Of The Day Procedure
Some chemicals require the boom to be flushed at the
end of the day to prevent corrosion in the pump or settling
of chemical in other components. To flush the pump and
boom, close the main tank, agitator and return line ball
valves, then open the fresh water tank valve. Set the con
troller for manual operation, engage the pump and open
the boom valves to allow fresh water to flush the pump
and boom.
Remove tips and strainers from the nozzle bodies.
Clean strainers and check tips for wear and damage.
Open controller ball valves. Allow the system to
drain completely to prevent any parts from breaking due to
freezing. Loosen at least one cap from each boom section
to allow any water inside the nozzle bodies to drain. Check
any fittings where water can collect and disconnect to allow
drainage. Reconnect all fittings and ensure tightness once
system is drained.
For further protection, pump environmentally safe
antifreeze or winter grade windshield washing fluid into
the lines.
Preparing The Sprayer For Storage
Flush the tank, pump and lines with clean water.
Remove cap from the “Quick-Fill” and open ball
Remove the drain plug from the primary strainer and
the plug from the “Tee” to drain the tank and suction lines.
Remove pump plug to drain pump housing.
Figure B15
Draining Tank
Figure B14
Valve Setting For Fresh Water Flush
Figure B13
Adjusting Top Link To Level Boom
Lower and lock into place any parking stands supplied with
trailer units when unhooked from the tractor to maintain
complete stability.
Agitator V
alve Closed >
< Main T
ank V
alve Closed
Fresh Water Valve Open >
< Return Valve Closed