5.7. Advertising of custom data
The content of standard advertising and scan response packets of the Proteus-e is auto-
matically defined. To place custom data in the advertising and scan response packet, the
Proteus-e implements the user settings
Both settings contain the raw data that is to be placed in the advertising packet and scan
response packet respectively, 31 bytes maximum per packet.
The format of the raw data is defined in the Bluetooth specification [1] chapter
content in the advertising and scan response packets can result in malfunc-
5.7.1. Restrictions
In case custom data shall be placed in the advertising and scan response packet, the fol-
lowing restrictions must be respected:
1. It is not allowed to place "Flags" (header byte 0x01) in the
2. In case the device name (header byte 0x08 or 0x09) shall be added, it must be placed
only in
, not in both at the same time.
If one or several of these restrictions are not respected, custom data can not be written to
the user settings
5.7.2. Application of custom advertising and scan response data
The content of the standard advertising and scan response packet is only cleared, if the
user setting
contains at least one byte. In this case the content of
is placed in the advertising packet.
If the user setting
contains at least one byte in addition, this content
is placed in the scan response packet.
Thus, to place custom data in the scan response packet, custom data must be placed in the
advertising packet first.
5.8. Energy-efficient distance estimation solutions
The transmitted scan response packet contains the TX power value used by the Proteus-e.
This value in combination with the RSSI value of the received advertising packet can be
used to estimate the distance to the module. Using a suitable triangulation algorithm and
multiple receivers or transmitters, a position can be approximately determined.
The scan response packet is only received by the scanner, if it performs an
active scan.
Proteus-e reference manual version 0.3
© November 2021