Hands and Pick Ups Cont’d
- Enter Vision Program Mode
- Clear memory
- Gimme with left hand
- Danger
- right hand place
- Exit program mode
Press STOP
- Enter Guard Mode.
Robosapien™V2 will now ask for something when he hears or sees
things, and then pass it back to the owner. For some reason, this is
very popular with children.
Q: What are the best objects for my robot to pick up?
A: Empty soda and beer cans. By placing an empty soda or beer can
one can-width in front of his toe, he can pick it up high (SHIFT1-
”c”), or low (SHIFT1-”b”), or have you give it to him (SHIFT1-”x”).
Other things he’s good at picking up are empty milk cartons and
water bottles, crumpled paper and paper towels, medicine bottles
and 4 inch toy figurines.