be exceeded. The red TX indicator LED on top of the radio flashes to indicate an alarm.
The alarm indicates the amount of time prior to the Transmit Overtime Timer expir-
ing that the warning will begin. The alert is off by default. It can be enable and set to a
maximum time limit of 10 seconds through the programming software.
Beep Tone
The KG-S84B will emit an audio prompt to alert the operator of a key press. It is en-
abled by default and can be disabled through the programming software.
Roger Beep
The KG-S84B can produce an audible roger beep prompt during transmission. This
feature is disabled by default. It can be configured in the programming software to one
of the following settings:
BOT: Sets the roger beep prompt at the beginning of transmission
EOT: Sets the roger beep at the end of transmission
BOTH: Sets the roger beep at the beginning and end of transmission