Safety Information
TX03679,00016DD -19-03NOV08-1/1
DP99999,000037E -19-06NOV07-1/1
DP99999,00003BA -19-06MAR08-1/1
Use and Maintain Seat Belt
Use seat belt when operating machine
. Remember to
fasten seat belt when loading and unloading from trucks
and during other uses.
Examine seat belt frequently. Be sure webbing is not
cut or torn. Replace seat belt immediately if any part is
damaged or does not function properly.
The complete seat belt assembly should be replaced
every 3 years, regardless of appearance.
Prevent Unintended Machine Movement
When coworkers are present, disable hydraulics.
Lower all equipment to the ground during work
interruptions. Place transmission control in neutral,
engage park brake, and stop engine before allowing
anyone to approach the machine.
Follow these same precautions before standing up,
leaving the operator's seat, or exiting the machine.
1— Park Brake Switch
Use Ground Guide
Always use a ground guide when driving the machine in
congested areas and up and down ramps in preparation
for highway, marine, or air transport. Ground guide must
be familiar with the use of recognized and standardized
hand signals. Failure to use a ground guide can result
in an accident, causing injury or death to personnel or
damage to equipment.
TM10693 (27JUN19)
624KR Loader