Good maintenance is your responsibility. Poor maintenance is an invitation to trouble.
Do not use blocking made of concrete blocks, logs, buckets, barrels or any other material that could suddenly
collapse or shift positions. Use only good quality blocking material.
Before working on this machine, drive to a level area, disengage the PTO, lower implement or loader (or if
working underneath, raise and block securely), shut off the engine, relieve all hydraulic pressure, set the
brakes, and remove the ignition keys.
Never operate controls from the ground. Operate the controls only from the operator’s station.
Never work under equipment unless it is blocked securely. Never depend on hydraulic system to keep imple-
ment in raised position.
Always use personal protection devices such as eye, hand and hearing protectors, when performing any
service or maintenance.
Keep all persons away from operator control area while performing adjustments, service, or maintenance.
Periodically tighten all bolts, nuts and screws and check that all cotter pins are properly installed to ensure unit
is in a safe condition.
Openings in the skin and minor cuts are susceptible to infection from hydraulic fluid. If injured by escaping
hydraulic fluid, see a doctor at once. Gangrene and death can result. Without immediate medical treatment,
serious infection and reactions can occur.
Check to ensure all safety signs are installed and in good condition.
If equipment has been altered in any way from original design, the manufacturer does not accept any liability
for injury or warranty.
• Adjust the spacing of the forks so they engage the pal-
let or load at its maximum width and then approach the
load in such a fashion that the weight will be centered
between the fork tines. The heaviest side should be
closest to the fork frame and not near the tips of the
fork tines.
• Before lifting make certain the fork tines are complete-
ly under the load and level. (Fork length should be at
least two-thirds of load length).
• Lift the load slightly to make sure the load is stable. If
load appears unstable, lower and reposition the tines
to achieve full stability.
• Raise the load to the MINIMUM height required for the
• During transportation; keep the fork tines level, gradu-
ally accelerate and brake, slow down before turning
and avoid any obstacles, bumps or holes. Check load
frequently to ensure stability.
• Start lifting slowing and smoothly. Lift speeds can be
slightly increased once the load has started moving
and appears to be stable.
• If the load starts to lean or move, lower to the ground
and reposition.
• Lower the load gently until the weight of the load is
securely resting on the landing point and the forks are
free to be retracted from under the load.
• Allow for additional length of loader and attachment on
power unit while turning.
• Check visibility. If visibility is impaired, reduce speed or
consider other means of transport.
When traveling on public roads, whether at night or
during the day, use accessory light and devices for
adequate warnings to operators of other vehicles.
Comply with all federal, state and local laws.
Always stop the tractor or skid steer, set brake,
shut off engine, remove key, and lower loader to
ground before attempting to service. Never leave
equipment unattended with engine running.
Do not work under a raised loader unless it is
securely blocked or held in position. Do not depend
on the hydraulic system to hold loader and attach-
ment in place.
Keep all persons away from operator control area
while performing adjustments, service, or mainte-
Transport the loaded pallet fork at a slow speed
and with the loader at the lowest transport position
to avoid tipping or upsetting, which could result in
serious injury or death.
Operate up and down slopes with the heavy end
of the machine uphill. Carrying a load with the pallet
fork attachment will make the front end heavy.
When going up or down hill, the machine could
overturn if the heavy end is toward the downhill side.
Someone may be pinned or seriously injured if the
machine overturns.
Replace any worn or damaged parts immediately. Do
not use attachment with any damaged parts.
Storage location should be level and solid to make
hitching and unhitching easy. Store in a clean, dry loca-
tion away from children and livestock.
IMPORTANT: Before removing the forks from the load
check landing point for any indications of overload-
ing. If there is any indication that the landing point
cannot handle the weight of the load, pick the load
back up and lower it to the ground.
A heavy load can cause your prime mover to tip
over. When moving heavy loads, keep the load low,
go slowly around turns, and be sure the prime mover
is properly counter-balanced with weights.