Exposure Timer
3730 E. Southern Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85040 USA
3. Press and release the up button once and the display will read
“s of” to indicate the timer is set to display time in minutes and
4. Press and release the mode button again and the display will
show the factory default set time of 15 seconds.
5. To set the desired exposure time, hold down the mode button
and the down arrow at the same time for approximately three to
five seconds. The timer will beep and the colon between the
minutes and seconds will begin to blink indicating the timer is
ready to be programmed. Use the up and down buttons to adjust
the timer to display the desired exposure time.
Press and hold the timer switch for one second to start the timer.
6. When the exposure cycle is complete the timer will
automatically return to the time that was previously set.
The exposure cycle may be halted at anytime by pressing
the releasing the timer switch.