After unpacking the appliance it is recommended that the
top and front cabinet panels are removed, as described in Section
5, and stored in a safe place to avoid damage during installation
and allow easy inspection for any leaks after the system has
been filled.
Remove the burner as described below and store in a safe
place until the appliance is ready for commissioning.
Remove the air tube from the burner by loosening the jubilee
clip and pulling the tube up and away.
Remove the 13mm nut at the top of the burner and pull the
burner out, taking care not to put any tension on the electrical
11.3 Flue system installation.
Install the appliance flue system as described in Section 7.
11.4 Heating system installation.
Before the appliance is fitted to the heating system
flush the system and mains water supply.
Plumb the boiler into the central heating system.
Check that all unused sockets have been plugged.
Fit the auto air vent to the boiler.
Fill the system and vent all radiators and high points to
remove air from the system.
Check the boiler and all pipework connections for leaks.
11.5 Oil supply installation.
(See Fig. 16).
Never route the oil supply pipe/hose directly below the
combustion chamber base.
Connection of rigid copper pipe to the oil pump is not rec-
ommended. Connection to the oil pump should be made with
flexible oil hoses.
(a) Single pipe suction lift with de-aerator.
For connection of single pipe suction lift with de-aerator follow
the procedure as for a double pipe system as described below.
(b) Double pipe system oil return pipe.
fit the oil return pipe, from the tank, down the left hand side
of the boiler along the base. Terminate the end approximately
200mm from the front of the base.
Connect a flexible hose, of the same type as the one supplied, to
the pipe using a suitable adaptor.
Ensure that the connections are properly sealed.
Fit the oil supply pipe as described in the following section.
(c) Single pipe system oil supply pipe.
Bend a piece of 10mm or 12mm copper tube (as selected) to
the correct profile to allow the pipe to be fed down the side of
the appliance. The pipe may be routed along either the right or
left hand side of the boiler as required. When using 12mm pipe
fit a 12mm to 10mm compression coupling and connect to the
valve with a short piece of 10 mm pipe, otherwise connect direct
to the valve.
never use soldered joints on oil supply pipes as this could
cause a hazard in the case of a fire.
Route the pipe back to the oil supply tank ensuring that it is
hard against the boiler, to allow installation of the side panel.
With the isolating valve in the correct orientation tighten the
Turn the isolating cock fully clockwise to close the valve.
Open the main oil supply valve at the tank and check for any
Place a suitable container below the bulkhead fitting and
open the valve.
Draw off at least 2.5 litres of oil until a steady flow of clear
uncontaminated oil can be seen and turn off the isolating valve.
This method may not be possible on some installations
where a sub-gravity system is used. Where this problem arises
bleed the system using the oil pump as described in Section 12
and remove and clean the oil pump filter to remove any debris
collected as a result of installation.
Replace the electrical control panel and side panels in
reverse order to the removal procedure of Section 5 and connect
the electrical supply as described in Section 10.
11.7 Condense drain connection
When connecting the condensate drain to the waste water
drain, it is essential to maintain a downwards slope towards the
waste drain.
The maximum production of condensate is 1.5 L/h. This
flow rate does not require any specific treatment.
11. Installation
Fig. 25. Frost Protection.