3) The number of dots is calculated by nL + nH x 256.
4) If the bit-image data input exceeds the number of dots to be printed on a
line, the excess data is ignored.
5) d indicates the bit-image data. Set a corresponding bit to 1 to print a dot
or to 0 to not print a dot.
6) If the width of the printing area set by GS L and GS W less than the
width required by the data sent with the ESC * command, the following will
be performed on the line in question (but the printing cannot exceed the
maximum printable area):
The width of the printing area is extended to the right to accommodate the
amount of data.
If step does not provide sufficient width for the data, the left margin is
reduced to accommodate the data.
7) After printing a bit image, the printer returns to normal data processing
8) This command is not affected by print modes (emphasized, double-
strike, underline, character size or White/Black reverse printing), except
9) The relationship between the image data and the dots to be printed is as