Veterinary Lactate Meter
Setting Time After First Use
Step 1: Press any key to turn on the meter.
Step 2: After the LCD screen shows a code number, unit of measurement, date
& time, and a symbol of a test strip, press the two buttons on the meter
simultaneously to enter Function Mode.
Step 3: A symbol of a head " " will flash on the screen. Press “SHIFT” to skip
this selection.
Step 4: A symbol of a cable " " will flash on the screen. Press “SHIFT” to skip
this selection.
Step 5: A symbol of a speaker "
" will flash on the screen. Press “SHIFT” to
skip this selection.
Step 6: A symbol of a clock "
" will flash on the screen. Press “ENTER” to enter
setup of the date & time in the order of Year-Month-Day and then Hour-
Step 7: The Year will flash on the screen. Press “SHIFT” to scroll through the
years and press “ENTER” to confirm. Press and hold “SHIFT” for quick
searching of the years. The meter provides calendar years from 2005 to