Hardware Reference Guide
SST-DN3-104-1 and SST-DN3-104-2
Document Edition: 1.0, Document #: 715-0082, Template Edition: 1.1, Template #: QMS-06-045
Use, duplication or disclosure of this document or any of the information contained herein is subject to the restrictions on page ii of this document. CANH, CANL
These are the CAN communication bus signal terminals. Use only shielded twisted pair cable.
When using the card on DeviceNet with DeviceNet approved cabling, these wires will already be
a twisted pair with the proper DeviceNet impedance. SHIELD
This is the shield connector. This terminal is “snubbed” to the PC/104 chassis ground via a
1M-ohm resistor, through the PC/104 standoffs connected to holes H1 and H2.
The shield should be connected directly to earth ground at only one
point in the network.