Wooden Gear Clocks UK
316 Pickering Road, Hull, East Yorkshire, UK Tel 01482 509277
Glue the pendulum shaft into the pendulum mount so that there is approximately 2mm of clearance
between the magnet and the base. Adjust the shaft length as necessary. Allow it to dry.
Clockerel-0018 / Ratchet setup detail.
Adjust the pawls as per the drawing by holding the drive pawl lever in one hand and turning the
pendulum mount.
Switch on the clock and give the pendulum a gentle push. Look down at the LED. This should be
flashing each time the magnet passes the centre of the coil. If it seems to be flashing erratically then turn
the magnet around. The clock will probably swing too far at this point. The ideal magnitude of swing will
just allow the drive pawl to engage and the non return pawl to just engage. The pendulum should swing
to about the edge of the base. To reduce the swing, screw the magnet holder further onto the shaft so
that the distance between the magnet and coil increases. The shaft may need reducing in length.
When the clock appears to be running ok then set the hour.
If the clock runs fast then screw the bob weight down the shaft, effectively lengthening the pendulum. If
the clock runs slow then screw the bob weight up the shaft, effectively shortening the pendulum. This
process may require minimal adjustment as the clock becomes more accurate.