Operation & Maintenance
Blade Installation
Operation & Maintenance
Once the toothsetter alignments have been checked and adjustments have been made,
you are ready to measure and set blades.
Sharpening removes metal from the face of the tooth. This eventually reduces the set to a
point where the blade will not cut very well. Set should not vary more than (±)0.001 from
one tooth to the next.
The following steps will take you through operation of the toothsetter.
Refer to the
Tru•Sharp™ Blade Handbook
for recommended set specifications for
your sawing application.
Blade Installation
1. Clean the blade and deburr before putting it in the toothsetter
. Otherwise, sap
buildup on the blade or tooth will give false set readings. Metal burrs created by sharpen-
ing also will cause false readings.
2. Mount the blade in the toothsetter.
Place blade between the clamping plates and on
the three guide assemblies.
You will need to move both the left and right index pawl assemblies down and out
of the way. These will be adjusted later.
3. Set the clamping assembly to hold the blade.
The clamp is set at the factory to lock
the blade firmly as the handle throws over. If the handle is difficult to push forward or
throws over before locking the blade, adjust the clamp nut.