You can now pair the thermostat with other Wondrwall components
(see page 34).
Things to be aware of when installing the thermostat:
1. If you have separate power for RH and RC, you need to remove
the factory installed jumper between RH and RC.
2. Many systems do not provide
common ‘C’ wire. In this case,
install 4 AA batteries for the unit to operate.
3. The thermostat automatically detects your system type by
the connections you make. The display will show ‘E0’ until the
unit has been properly connected and reset (by pulling o
refitting the front cover).
4. The thermostat is configured to work with single-stage cool,
single-stage gas, oil or fuel heat (non-heat pump, single-speed
fans. If your system is di
erent, refer to the programming
section on page 57 to configure the thermostat to your