Figure 4–1: Host IP Settings
After making an IP address change such as this, close the control panel and reboot
the host computer to be sure the change takes effect.
Make the final address, mask and gateway changes in the RM-3270WS
Status Page
The full network control browser window is shown in Figure 4-2. Enter the monitor’s
IP Address into the browser’s address bar and press the Enter key to access the
web server.
Select whether
Monitor 1
Monitor 2
settings are to be changed in the upper
left bar, or check the
Apply To All
box for global control.
Throughout the Web GUI, other pages are one click away in the menu at the left
side of the screen. The currently selected page is highlighted in yellow.
Note that the IN1 and IN2 video input selection, which is present only on the RM-
3270WS-3G2, only switches the input and does not create a separate setup for
each input.