Operating the Wöhler BC 600 via the app
Fig. 59: Repeat measurement steps
Tap the corresponding step if one or several
measurement steps are to be repeated after
the measurement is completed. It is then pos-
sible to repeat the measurement.
That can prove practical if the value appears con-
spicuous for any reason, and you think the cause
may be due to an unusual reason, for example a
window left open inadvertently.
Fig. 60: Measuring the zero-flow pres-
sure difference, Start field indicated by an
Once all steps have been worked through you
must determine the zero-flow pressure difference
between indoors and outdoors. (The button “Con-
tinue” in the figure opposite only becomes availa-
ble after the zero-flow pressure difference has
been measured).
Tap Δp02.
Cover the fan opening with the cover and tap
OK to confirm the prompt.
The Wöhler BC 600 measures the zero-flow pres-
sure difference for 30 s.
If no further measurements are planned, you can
leave the cover on the device for transport and