Operation manual PEK
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3.4 Conventional usage
The single-line pump is exclusively designed for the delivery of lubricating oils in central
lubrication systems. Conventional usage also includes:
the observance of the safety notes and adherence to the safety regulations contained
in this operation manual
the adherence to the maintenance and servicing instructions given in this operation
Any usage contrary hereto or going beyond the conventional one may
cause serious personal and property damage.
The delivery of gases, liquefied gases, gases dissolved under pressure, va-
pours, and liquids the vapour pressure of which exceeds, at the permissible
maximum temperature, the normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar) by
more than 0,5 bar, as well as that of highly inflammable or explosive media
and foodstuff is prohibited!
Important! Please also note the safety data sheets pertaining to the
materials used!
3.5 Technical data
3.5.1 Assemblies
The PEK single-line pump consists of two assemblies the different PEK versions of which
may vary:
Pump body
Reservoir with monitoring