Operation manual PEK
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5.7 General safety regulations and duties
Basically, the following safety regulations and duties are applicable to the use
of the pump unit:
The generally accepted rules for work safety need to be observed.
Besides, the basic regulations and rules on work safety and accident
prevention being applicable to the place of use have to be followed.
The generally accepted traffic law-related rules need to be observed.
The user is obliged to observe the regulations pertaining to the use of
working appliances.
The pump unit must be operated in flawless and clean condition only.
It is prohibited to remove, modify, bridge or bypass any and all protect-
tion, safety or monitoring facilities.
It is prohibited to reconstruct or modify the pump unit.
The operator should be notified of any fault or damage immediately.
For repair, no others than original spare parts may be used.
The operator is required to regularly check and maintain all protection,
safety, and monitoring facilities.
After every repair, the flawless condition of the pump unit must be en-
sured by means of a test run.
5.8 Disclaimer
Should any damage be caused to persons, objects, the environment and/or property due to
the non-observance of this Operation Manual, no matter whether intentionally or unintention-
ally, WOERNER shall be held harmless thereof. Besides, all warranty claims will be rejected.
The same also applies to any and all consequential damage.