Operation manual PEK
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3. Product description
3.1 Purpose of use
The pump is designed for the delivery of lube oils as of 10cSt exclu-
3.2 Limits of use
The application area of the machine’s components is restricted as follows:
Temperature range:
… +60 °C
Admissible delivery pressure:
max. 32 bar
Mineral oil
Depending on the version, these limits of use may be restricted further. Such further restric-
tions are dealth with in this operation manual later on.
Besides, the machine’s area of application is determined by the medium to be delivered.
Hence, when determining the area of application, you also need to refer to the technical data
sheets for the medium to be used.
3.3 Ambient conditions
Machine operation in an aggressive atmosphere (solvent vapours, acids,
lyes, salt water mist, etc.) may cause damage to or corrosion of compo-
nents and, thus, failure of the system and endangerment due to leaking
Ambient temperature range
Lower temperature limit:
-10 °C
Upper temperature limit:
+60 °C
Relative humidity:
max. 70%
Noise level:
<70 dB(A)
Physical environment
In heights as of 1,000 metres above sea level, the system should be operated after consul-
tation with the manufacturer only.