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Wodtke GmbH - Tübingen. All Rights and Changes Reserved.Printed 04/2015
Part No. 950 976
Main Board Inputs
Overview of inputs / general notices
The inputs RS 485, BB S5 and C-Box 2 must all
be connected with shielded cables. Input C-Box 2
is not active.
Only PC- Tool 2!
Fig. 33: main board inputs
Never connect 230 V to these inputs, as this will
damage the board! "Min/Max," "On/Off" and "Re-
serve" inputs are protected against polarity rever-
If an external controller/sensor is connected to an
input, the related bridge wire must first be re-
moved! If no external controllers are connected, all
3 bridge wires must be present as shown. Other-
wise, the furnace will not respond properly!
Bridge is not monitored. Inactive / cannot be
Operating position: 1-4 = OFF!
The inputs RS
232, RS 485, BB-S5 and