WT-1673 GSM Power Switch User Manual V1.3
Orange - Call 450 and follow instructions
The SIM card is now ready to use
We recommend that if you are using a ‘pay as you go’ (PAYG) SIM card that you choose to automatically ‘Top-
Up’ when the cards credit falls below a certain limit please contact your network provider or visit their website
for more details.
Most but not a using post-paid SIM cards will be de-activated by the network if not used to make an outgoing
voice call or send an SMS text message within a specific period. To prevent this simply send the GSM Remote
Control Switch a text command *0*PW#, then *2*, it will reply by text message, do this once a month to keep
the SIM card active.
Red power LED not alight
Ensure that your DC power supply is connected
correctly, positive (+) to terminal 220v and negative (-)
to terminal N. Verify 12 volts is present using a volt
Green network LED flashing every one second
and not every 3 seconds
Ensure your SIM card has been activated and that the
PIN request has been disabled. If the unit is in a low
signal strength area consider using an external GSM
antenna or changing to another network provider
I am not receiving confirmation test messages
when program the administrators number
Ensure your telephone number is in the Administrator
list and that sending text messages to your number is
I am not receiving any text messages when
initially programming the unit
Ensure the unit is connected to the GSM network by
observing the blue network LED; it should be flashing
once every 3 seconds (see 2 above). Ensure the SIM
card has credit
The unit has been working for several months
and has now stopped responding to calls and
text commands
Most but not all PAY SIM cards will be de-activated by
the network if not used to make an outgoing voice call
or send an SMS text message within a specific period.
To prevent this simply send a txt command *0*pw#,
then *2*, it will reply by text message, do this once a
month to keep the SIM card active