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Menu functions
If there is a rejection at the end of a menu step (long signal tone) then the procedure is
terminated and the menu function is quit.
0 Change code
e.g. change 123456
to 111111
Change menu code
Input code, e.g.
Both the user code and the master
code can be amended by using the
Change function.
Input the new code
Confirm the new code
Code was amended successfully
1 Create user
e.g. create user No. 3
Menu Create user
Input the master code
A new user code is only accepted if
the code differs at two places by
one digit from an existing code.
If an opening delay has been
programmed, user 9 for the
immediate opening code can only
be created in the opening release
This of course only applies if this
had not already been created
before the activation of the delay
Number of the user to be
Input user code, e.g.
Confirm the user code
In the case of an active Dualcode a valid user input must be input before jumping to a menu.
The menu selection is only done afterwards.