It depends on the indoor temperature and humidity and indicates the comfort degree a person would feel.
Comfort symbol
Temperature range
14.2°F~ 122°F
68°F ~ 82.4°F
14.2°F~ 122°F
Humidity range
< 40%
40% ~ 70%
Degree of environment
When the indoor humidity is below 40% and temperature is within 14.2°F to 122°F range, it indicates
the indoor environment is dry, the
symbol will appear.
When the indoor temperature is within 68°F to 82.4°F range and humidity is within 40% to
70% range, it indicates the indoor environment is comfortable, the
symbol will appear.
When the indoor humidity is over 70% and the temperature is within 14.2°F to 122°F range, it
indicates the indoor environment is wet, the
symbol will appear.
No indicator:
When the indoor temperature is out of 68°F to 82.4°F but humidity is within 40% to 70%, no
symbol will appear.
Languages of day of week
The language options are English (ENG), German (GER), French (FRE), Italian (ITA), Spanish (SPA),
Dutch (DUT) and Danish (DAN).
DST function
Weather station will adapt to winter / summer time automatically.