OTAP Options Window
Over The Air Programming capcode options give the PDT3000 ability to add or to delete capcodes for receive and
display only (consider other settings e.g. print, relay etc).
Enable Over The Air Programming Capcode Option
Set the PDT3000 to have Over The Air Programming capcode function which can add or delete capcodes. This
function can decrypt OTAP messages which are created by the "OTAP Encrytion" program in the PDT3P folder.
Set the PDT3000 to have a unique 7-digit number id to decode the OTAP message. The pager only processes the
OTAP message when it contains its id or broadcast id or its group id. The 1200000 is broadcast id which can
program all units. The first 3-digit following by 5 zero is a group id which can program all starting with that 3 digits.
For example: 1230000 would program all starting with 123 and following any 5 digits like 1234567.
Capcodes Levels
This window is displays the OTAP capcode and levels after selecting "Get OTAP Capcode" from the ES tool bar
(you can not edit the contents in this window)