Version
0.2
October
w
0x01:
Protection
by
sequence:
The
device
can
be
used
by
a
different
way
of
operating,
three
rapid
button
presses
are
used
to
switch
manually.
0x02:
No
operation
possible
–
it
is
not
possible
to
control
the
device
by
the
push
button.
Off
course
you
can
control
the
device
by
z
‐
wave.
Note:
every
other
state
will
be
ignored
by
application.
class
0x27
The
iPlugDim
supports
switch
all
functionality
and
t
h
erefore
ca
n
be
in
included
in
a
switch
all
broadcast.
If
iPlugDim
is
configured
to
swi
tc
h
all
mod
e
:
0x00
:
is
excluded
from
all
switch
on/off
functionality.
0x01
:
is
excluded
from
the
all
on
but
not
the
all
off.
0x02
:
is
excluded
from
the
all
off
but
not
the
all
on.
0x03
:
All
on
and
all
off
are
both
included.
Configuration
Reset
The
iPlugDim
Supports
a
co
n
figuration
resets
function.
Con
f
iguration
reset
means
‐
All
configuration
values
are
defaulted.
This
function
can
be
activated
by
sending
a
configuration
set
frame:
Parameter:
0x00
Size:
0x01
(can’t
be
different
from
1)
Value:
All
values
(0x00
–
0xFF)
except
for
0x55.
When
the
value
of
configuration
value
is
requested
possible
values
can
be
returned
Parameter:
0x00
Value
0x55:
Device
doesn’t
have
all
his
factory
settings
anymore.
Even
when
a
configuration
parameter
is
changed
back
to
the
default
value
Value
0xAA:
Devices
still
has
all
his
factory
settings.