Generator Hourmeter
The Generator hourmeter registers the total
number of hours that the Generator has been
operated. Press the GenSet Meter button once to
get reading.
Refer to the hourmeter to determine when
periodic maintenance is due and to record
services which have been performed.
Generator Basic Operation
(Diesel Generator)
To Start the Generator
Press the Display ON/Gen OFF button once to
wake the Generator.
Once “GEN OFF” appears on the display
screen, press and Hold the Generator Start
button until you hear the Generator running
smoothly, then release.
To Stop the Generator
Press the Display ON/Gen OFF button.
The Diesel Generator display screen displays
the Generator status, battery voltage, warning
messages, and the total number of hours that the
Generator has been operated.
Refer to the hourmeter to determine when
periodic maintenance is due and to record
services which have been performed.
Operation Warnings and Cautions
Do not simultaneously operate the Generator
and a power vent, which could draw exhaust
gases into the vehicle.
Do not open windows or vents on the end or
side of the vehicle where exhaust pipe of the
Generator is located.
LP Generator Start/Stop Buttons
(Located on monitor panel)
-Typical View
Generator Hourmeter Button
-Typical View
The exhaust of all internal combustion
engines contains carbon monoxide (CO).
This poisonous gas is colorless, odorless,
tasteless, and lighter than air. The
exhaust systems of both your motorhome
engine and your generator engine have
been installed with your safety in mind.
However, certain precautions must be
taken when using them to protect yourself
from conditions beyond the control of the
Diesel Generator Start/Stop Buttons
(Located near monitor panel)
-Typical View
Press to Start
Press to Stop/Prime