WaveCAST App
The WaveCAST app allows listeners to hear the audio on their personal, Wi-Fi connected devices, such as a mobile phone. The
WaveCAST App can be downloaded from the Google Play for Android devices or the Apple App Store for iOS devices. The
WaveCAST App is compatible with the IR M1 and other Williams Sound Wi-Fi Assistive Listening Systems.
Connect to Wi-Fi Network
The personal device will need to be connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the IR M1. Instructions for connecting each device to
the Wi-Fi network will differ; check the device manufacturer's instructions for how to set up a connection.
Connecting the App to the Channel
When the app is opened for the first time, a list of channels will be available. Tap on the channel to hear it's audio.
The channel you are currently connected to will have a blue checkmark next to it.
If a list of channels does not appear, check that the personal device has Wi-Fi enabled. If it does, troubleshoot the network
connection of the IR M1 itself.
Listening via the App
Once connected to the channel, the audio should start playing automatically. The volume of the audio can be adjusted using the
slider in the middle of the screen, or the physical buttons on your device.
To mute the audio, tap the speaker icon. Tap it again to unmute the audio.
To switch channels, tap the icon on the bottom of the screen to display the list of channels again.
Note on Wi-Fi Assist/Smart Network Switching
The network connection the WaveCAST creates is
an internet connection. It creates a network connection to the audio stream
Some phones expect network connections to provide internet access. When the phone cannot reach the internet, it may
automatically try to switch to a network connection with an internet connection. Sometimes, the phone determines that the best
internet connection is through a mobile data network.
This is not the desired behavior when using the WaveCAST network. The phone will automatically take the user off of the
WaveCAST audio streaming network, and onto a unrelated internet network connection. This will prevent the user from hearing
the audio, and they may not realize their phone switched networks on them.
Steps for disabling this feature will differ for every phone, but is typically found under the Wi-Fi or Mobile network settings. Look in
the manual for your phone for instructions on disabling this feature.
Follow the troubleshooting advice in this section to potentially resolve any issues. If the troubleshooting guide does not fix the
problem, please contact our Tech Blue design and support team at [email protected] or by c1-952-943-2252.
Website problems
The full website is unavailable.
• If you are only able to install a firmware update, the website stored on the IR M1 has been corrupted, likely by a power outage.
Install the firmware for your current version (or newer) of the IR M1 via the firmware update page to restore the website.
• Check your network settings. The IP address is viewable on the front panel of the device.
Lost username or password
• Using the front panel menu, restore defaults. See "Restoring Defaults" on page 23.