Annotation Pro & Annotation Pro Plus
Manually Assigning a USB Device
WARNING: The following process should only be performed when your Williams AV rep has directed you to do so.
Doing so without guidance can corrupt your Annotation Pro system and may require repair.
The Annotation Pro can also attempt to manually assign a device. This depends on the system having the correct
driver installed on it; having the wrong driver may corrupt your system.
Do not do this process without the
guidance of Tech Blue, Williams AV Tech Support.
1. Select the device type you wish to have permanently assigned. The text color then changes from blue to black.
For USB Devices, autodetect immediately detects and rec ognizes devices, even when their position on the hub
changes. You might want to permanently assign a device type to a port if the device was marketed after your
Annotation Pro system was manufactured, or if the system misidentifies the device.
To manually change the device type, select the arrow to the right of the device type you wish to
change. The Device Select menu appears.
This menu shows a scrolling list of all device types currently supported by the Annotation Pro in alphabetical order.
The Page Up and Page Down buttons allow you to quickly scroll through the names until you find the device type
you desire. When you locate and select the name you wish to assign, it will move to the center of the list, where it
will be highlighted. The new device type is now assigned.
When a
button is selected, a screen with further information about that device type will be displayed.
3. Select the
button to view the Device Select dialog.
Integrating the Annotation Pro with Other Systems
Since only controller/marker device types are able to be recognized during the initialization process, all other
devices must be set up manually. The Annotation Pro allows you to manually adjust communication settings for
either of its ports
This allows the Annotation Pro to be integrated with
• an AV system as a control command station where it can both control AV devices and mark over any images
• a control system which can send commands to the Annotation Pro, controlling its various functions, like AMX/
Crestron device.
Setting COMM Port Parameters
If you are assigning a port for communicating with another system, you must select either
Control Port
as your device type. The Annotation Pro sup ports assigning only one port for each type.
Control Port:
Choose this option if the Annotation Pro is being used as an AV remote control command station, if it
is being controlled remotely using RS-232 commands, or if it is being connected to a PC.
Use this selection if the Annotation Pro is being used in a videoconferencing system.
1. Select the appropriate device type in the Device Select menu for the port where you are connecting the other
Where a question mark is usually found, you will instead see an arrow
NOTE: Only one of the two COMM ports may be set to Control Port. Either COMM port may be set to Control Port,
but only one at a time may be assigned as Control Port. If the device type you desire for connecting to other
systems is unavailable, check to see if it is assigned to another port.
2. Activate the arrow next to the device type to set its communication parameters. The corresponding submenu
appears. Select the desired baud rate, parity, and stop bits.
NOTE: Factory settings are 9600 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit. Data bits, which cannot be manually set, are 8 data bits.
3. Exit the menu system and cycle the power on the Annotation Pro. The Annotation Pro implements the new