Power Off
Power Port
Image Stamp
WGI Cameras come standard with an
external power port. You must open
the weather resistant cover and use a
Wildgame Innovations 6 Volt camera
battery accessory.
Pictures Display:
- Time
- Date
- Moon Phase
- Photo Count
- Location
When mounting to a tree, first latch
the 2 bungee cords through the
mounting holes on the left or right
side of the camera. Then, stretch the
cords around the tree and latch the
other ends of the bungee cords
through the mounting holes on the
opposite side of the camera.
Once you connect the camera to your computer via the
USB cable/ports, the camera will then draw power from
the computer. When completing the viewing, transfer-
ring, copying or deletion of images, please make sure
THE CAMERA AND THE COMPUTER, as you will not be
able to power the camera OFF until you do so.
The directions as contained herein assume that you are
using a Microsoft operating system and not Linux or a
Mac-based operating system. Even said, there may be
slight variations in your process based on the specific
version of the operation system that you are using as
well as the predefined user preference for each
computer. The below listed steps are to serve as a
guideline and may have to be slightly modified based on
the specific operating system and preference as on your
personal computer.
Recommended distance from target area is 25-30 feet
for optimal imaging quality.
To improve the quality of your images, try not to mount
the unit facing the rising or the setting sun in order to
avoid direct sunlight into the camera lens.
If mounting to a feeder unit or dusty environment, be
sure to clean the camera lens cover, incandescent flash
cover, and the PIR sensor cover on a regular basis.
Periodically check the mounting of the camera to
insure it is not loose.
Make sure that you securely latch the door closed each
and every time you use the unit, as the moisture seal
will not be activated unless closed properly.
Check batteries frequently to insure no corrosive
build-up, as this may cause harm to the camera.
To turn the unit off, first wake up the
LCD screen and then depress and hold
the power button until the LCD turns
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