28% Cap 232 Assembly Manual
Step 5.
Install horizontal stabilizer
This step is easy.
Trim the covering around the holes in the fuse for the stab spar tube and the two retaining
screw holes on each side. You should also cut away the covering over the holes for the ele-
vator servos, but don’t cut out the rudder servo covering yet.
Slide the spar through the fuse, and slide the stabilizers onto the tubes from each side.
Retain the stab to the fuse with two 4-40 screws, washers and lock washers supplied with the
kit. I advise you to use washers and lock washers or a little red RTV or blue loctite on the
threads. Don’t use a lot, and don’t use red loctite, or you won’t be able to get the screws out
without tearing out the blind nut.
The assembled h-stab with controls is shown below.